Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Supreme Court?!

This is all an integral part of a Political Rochambeau!

So I have this thing...with the Supreme Court. And its ability to make up words.

I love words.

Sidenote: (I woke last week with the words colloquialism and anomaly in my head. Why? Duh...because it is an anomaly to use the word colloquialism. C'mon now. Alllllllright, I don't actually know why I dreamt of those two words. But there you have it – I've lost my mind. It goes for walks without me now.) End sidenote.

So I love words. And I love politics. The two of them combined is like a stimulation overload for me. I had a debate on Board of Education v. Earls a semester or twelve ago. It was on, and I quote, Suspicionless Drug Testing. Ooh spell check cops an attitude over that one. And I love it. You are wrong spell check! The Federal Government says so.

Oprah once said. "It literally broke my heart." I can't remember what she was blabbering about, but this statement pleased my soul. She is the most recognized and potentially powerful woman in America. And she sounded like a moron. Mmmm. Yes. Let me bask in this but once more... No Oprah, silly fool. If something literally broke your heart, you'd be dead. And I'd take your job. For now, keep up with good work in Darfur. Love you girl.

A few more thoughts:
The contradictory definitions of these words are so cruel. It makes me smile:

1. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: Fear of long words.
2. Circumlocution: The use of more words than necessary to express something, especially to avoid saying it directly. (This one's not as good. But what a stupid, long word. Amiright?!)

I think so, Political Rochambeau!!!

A Brief Synposis of a Political Rochambeau

This is our very first post, and we are rather excited. Hopefully, you will be too!

As all will come to find out, I love politics-- through and through. However, based upon this I had a very interesting conversation. It starts with this, watching Al Gore's documentary.

Dear Mr. Gore,
I am sorry that you were not the President from 2000-2004. Well, I'm not personally sorry, but I sympathize. Sorta. Yes, I was on the Bush-Cheney Campaign, and helped to elect him into office... However, if you TRULY are passionate about the protection of our noble planet, do NOT spend 3 mother loving hours dropping pity-party sidebars about your Commander in Chief loss. I was actually interested in the potentiality of facts and suggestions you might have for citizens. Disappointing, to say the least, when the only recommendations for the human race to save the planet ran in the credits between third sound editor and official audience clapper. The term self-promotion barley skims the surface. And how you won the Nobel Peace Prize is beyond me...

In addition, I was recently enlightened to learn that elephants are considered lucky in El Salvador. (Thanks Cheryl) not so much in the U.S., i guess. "All the President's men" is a blatant blow to Nixon and the Republican Party thereafter. Aside from that, this film is a Robert Redford joy (imagine that!) and a journalistic inspiration.

"Wag the dog." Satirical genius.

This brings me back to my previous conviction (which i just manslaughtered) to subdue my ideology to the public. that insinuates that I think everyone's opinions are important. No, I think everyone should comply with this mantra. or, for funzies, we could just have one wear red, one wear blue and simultaneously punch each other in the face and walk away. I think that's copacetic. (we'd accomplish as much.) unless the greens wanna get in on that hopeless battle. Then we could have ourselves an invigorating round of political rochambeau. But we all throw paper! 'Cause paper strikes me as the weakest of the triad. True?

And when it comes down to it, every party unintentionally flaunts its weaknesses. Or maybe that's what we, the people, choose to see. It makes us stronger. It makes the country strong. so... 2008?

"Free soil, free men...McCain?"

I'm voting for the best candidate.

Please let me know what you think! political rochambeau!!!!

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Welcome to Political Rochambeau! This site provides thoughts, and views on the all things political.

We could just have one wear red, one wear blue and simultaneously punch each other in the face and walk away. I think that's copacetic. (we'd accomplish as much.) unless the greens wanna get in on that hopeless battle. Then we could have ourselves an invigorating round of political rochambeau. But we all throw paper! 'Cause paper strikes me as the weakest of the triad. True?

If you like to be entertained, whether you own political convictions are passionate, or not so much- there is something here for everyone!